Source code for desdeo_mcdm.interactive.ENautilus

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from desdeo_mcdm.interactive.InteractiveMethod import InteractiveMethod
from desdeo_tools.interaction.request import BaseRequest
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances_argmin_min

[docs]class ENautilusException(Exception): """Raised when an exception related to ENautilus is encountered. """ pass
[docs]class ENautilusInitialRequest(BaseRequest): """ A request class to handle the initial preferences. """ def __init__(self, ideal: np.ndarray, nadir: np.ndarray): msg = ( "Please specify the number of iterations as 'n_iterations' to be carried out, and how many intermediate " "points to show as 'n_points'." ) content = { "message": msg, "ideal": ideal, "nadir": nadir, } super().__init__("reference_point_preference", "required", content=content)
[docs] def validator(self, response: Dict) -> None: if "n_iterations" not in response: raise ENautilusException("'n_iterations' entry missing") if "n_points" not in response: raise ENautilusException("'n_points' entry missing") n_iterations = response["n_iterations"] if not isinstance(n_iterations, int) or int(n_iterations) < 1: raise ENautilusException( "'n_iterations' must be a positive integer greater than zero" ) n_points = response["n_points"] if not isinstance(n_points, int) or int(n_points) < 1: raise ENautilusException( "'n_points' must be a positive integer greater than zero" )
[docs] def init_with_method(cls, method): return cls(method._ideal, method._nadir)
@BaseRequest.response.setter def response(self, response: Dict): self.validator(response) self._response = response
[docs]class ENautilusRequest(BaseRequest): """A request class to handle the intermediate requests. """ def __init__( self, ideal: np.ndarray, nadir: np.ndarray, points: np.ndarray, lower_bounds: np.ndarray, upper_bounds: np.ndarray, n_iterations_left: int, distances: np.ndarray, ): self._max_index = len(np.squeeze(points)) msg = """Please select the most preferred solution by index as 'preferred_point_index'. The number of remaining iterations may also be changed by setting 'change_remaining' to True and supplying the desried number of remaining iterations as 'new_iterations_left'. If you wish to step back, then set 'step_back' to True. When stepping back to a previous iteration, that iteration's intermediate solutions should be supplied alongside the associated distances and upper and lower bounds as 'prev_distances', 'prev_solutions', 'prev_lower_bounds', and 'prev_upper_bounds'. The number of remaining iterations should be supplied as well when stepping back as 'iterations_left'. When 'step_back' is true, 'preferred_point_index' and 'change_remaining' are ignored. """ content = { "message": msg, "ideal": ideal, "nadir": nadir, "points": points, "lower_bounds": lower_bounds, "upper_bounds": upper_bounds, "n_iterations_left": n_iterations_left, "distances": distances, } super().__init__("reference_point_preference", "required", content=content)
[docs] def validator(self, response: Dict) -> None: if ( "preferred_point_index" not in response or "step_back" not in response or "change_remaining" not in response ): raise ENautilusException( "'preferred_point_index', 'step_back', and 'change_remaining' must be specified." ) if not response["step_back"]: pref_point_index = response["preferred_point_index"] if pref_point_index < 0 or pref_point_index > self._max_index: raise ENautilusException("The given index is out of bounds.") if response["change_remaining"]: if "iterations_left" not in response: raise ENautilusException( "When 'change_remaining' is True, 'iterations_left' must be specified." ) else: # stepping back # check that the previous solution is given alongside its bounds. if "prev_solutions" not in response: raise ENautilusException("'prev_solutions' entry missing.") if "prev_lower_bounds" not in response: raise ENautilusException("'prev_lower_bounds' entry missing.") if "prev_upper_bounds" not in response: raise ENautilusException("'prev_upper_bounds' entry missing.") if "iterations_left" not in response: raise ENautilusException( "When stepping back 'iterations_left' must be specified." ) if "prev_distances" not in response: raise ENautilusException("'prev_distances' entry missing.")
# TODO: if issues arise, checking the dimensions of the prev_* entries can # be beneficial. @BaseRequest.response.setter def response(self, response: Dict): self.validator(response) self._response = response
[docs]class ENautilusStopRequest(BaseRequest): """A request class to handle termination. """ def __init__( self, preferred_point: np.ndarray, solution: Optional[np.ndarray] = None ): msg = "Most preferred solution found." content = {"message": msg, "objective": preferred_point, "solution": solution} super().__init__("print", "no_interaction", content=content)
[docs]class ENautilus(InteractiveMethod): def __init__( self, pareto_front: np.ndarray, ideal: np.ndarray, nadir: np.ndarray, objective_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, variables: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): """ Args: pareto_front (np.ndarray): A two dimensional numpy array representing a Pareto front with objective vectors on each of its rows. ideal (np.ndarray): The ideal objective vector of the problem being represented by the Pareto front. nadir (np.ndarray): The nadir objective vector of the problem being represented by the Pareto front. objective_names (Optional[List[str]], optional): Names of the objectives. List must match the number of columns in pareto_front. Defaults to 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', ... variables (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): The decision variables of the objective vectors in pareto_front. The i'th variable vector in variables corresponds to the i'th objective vector in pareto_front. Defaults to None. Raises: ENavigatorException: One or more dimension mismatches are encountered among the supplies arguments. """ if not pareto_front.ndim == 2: raise ENautilusException( "The supplied Pareto front should be a two dimensional array. Found " f" number of dimensions {pareto_front.ndim}." ) if not ideal.shape[0] == pareto_front.shape[1]: raise ENautilusException( "The Pareto front must consist of objective vectors with the " "same number of objectives as defined in the ideal and nadir " "points." ) if not ideal.shape == nadir.shape: raise ENautilusException( "The dimensions of the ideal and nadir point do not match." ) if objective_names: if not len(objective_names) == ideal.shape[0]: raise ENautilusException( "The supplied objective names must have a length equal to " "the number of objectives." ) self._objective_names = objective_names else: self._objective_names = [f"f{i+1}" for i in range(ideal.shape[0])] self._ideal = ideal self._nadir = nadir self._variables = variables # in objective space! self._pareto_front = pareto_front # bounds of the reachable region self._reachable_ub = self._nadir self._reachable_lb = self._ideal # currently reachable solution as a list of indices of the Pareto front self._reachable_idx = list(range(0, self._pareto_front.shape[0])) self._preferred_point = None self._projection_index = None self._n_points = None self._n_iterations_left = None
[docs] def start(self) -> ENautilusInitialRequest: return ENautilusInitialRequest.init_with_method(self)
[docs] def iterate( self, request: Union[ENautilusInitialRequest, ENautilusRequest] ) -> Union[ENautilusRequest, ENautilusStopRequest]: """Perform the next logical iteration step based on the given request type. """ if type(request).__name__ == ENautilusInitialRequest.__name__: return self.handle_initial_request(request) elif type(request).__name__ == ENautilusRequest.__name__: return self.handle_request(request) else: # if stop request, do nothing return request
[docs] def handle_initial_request( self, request: ENautilusInitialRequest ) -> ENautilusRequest: """Handles the initial request by parsing the response appropriately. """ self._n_iterations_left = request.response["n_iterations"] self._n_points = request.response["n_points"] # self._intermediate_points = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(self._nadir), self._n_points, axis=0) self._preferred_point = self._nadir zbars = self.calculate_representative_points( self._pareto_front, self._reachable_idx, self._n_points ) zs = self.calculate_intermediate_points( self._preferred_point, zbars, self._n_iterations_left ) new_lower_bounds, new_upper_bounds = self.calculate_bounds( self._pareto_front, zs ) distances = self.calculate_distances(zs, zbars, self._nadir) return ENautilusRequest( self._ideal, self._nadir, zs, new_lower_bounds, new_upper_bounds, self._n_iterations_left, distances, )
[docs] def handle_request( self, request: ENautilusRequest ) -> Union[ENautilusRequest, ENautilusStopRequest]: """Handles the intermediate requests. """ if not request.response["step_back"]: preferred_point_index = request.response["preferred_point_index"] self._preferred_point = request.content["points"][preferred_point_index] if self._n_iterations_left <= 1: self._n_iterations_left = 0 # if self._variables is defined: first, find the index of # self._preferred point in self._pareto_front. Second, # return the variable vector at the found position. Otherwise, # do not return any variable vectors. if self._variables is not None: idx = np.linalg.norm( np.abs(self._pareto_front - self._preferred_point), axis=1 ).argmin() solution = self._variables[idx] else: solution = None return ENautilusStopRequest(self._preferred_point, solution) self._reachable_lb = request.content["lower_bounds"][preferred_point_index] self._reachable_ub = request.content["upper_bounds"][preferred_point_index] self._reachable_idx = self.calculate_reachable_point_indices( self._pareto_front, self._reachable_lb, self._reachable_ub ) if not request.response["change_remaining"]: # decrement iterations left self._n_iterations_left -= 1 else: self._n_iterations_left = request.response["iterations_left"] # Start again zbars = self.calculate_representative_points( self._pareto_front, self._reachable_idx, self._n_points ) zs = self.calculate_intermediate_points( self._preferred_point, zbars, self._n_iterations_left ) new_lower_bounds, new_upper_bounds = self.calculate_bounds( self._pareto_front, zs ) distances = self.calculate_distances(zs, zbars, self._nadir) # stepping back else: zs = request.response["prev_solutions"] new_lower_bounds = request.response["prev_lower_bounds"] new_upper_bounds = request.response["prev_upper_bounds"] self._n_iterations_left = request.response["iterations_left"] distances = request.response["prev_distances"] return ENautilusRequest( self._ideal, self._nadir, zs, new_lower_bounds, new_upper_bounds, self._n_iterations_left, distances, )
[docs] def calculate_representative_points( self, pareto_front: np.ndarray, subset_indices: List[int], n_points: int ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the most representative points on the Pareto front. The points are clustered using k-means. Args: pareto_front (np.ndarray): The Pareto front. subset_indices (List[int]): A list of indices representing the subset of the points on the Pareto front for which the representative points should be calculated. n_points (int): The number of representative points to be calculated. Returns: np.ndarray: A 2D array of the most representative points. If the subset of Pareto efficient points is less than n_points, returns the subset of the Pareto front. """ if len(np.atleast_1d(subset_indices)) > n_points: kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_points)[subset_indices]) closest, _ = pairwise_distances_argmin_min( kmeans.cluster_centers_, pareto_front[subset_indices] ) zbars = pareto_front[subset_indices][closest] else: zbars = pareto_front[subset_indices] return zbars
[docs] def calculate_intermediate_points( self, preferred_point: np.ndarray, zbars: np.ndarray, n_iterations_left: int, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the intermediate points between representative points an a preferred point. Args: preferred_point (np.ndarray): The preferred point, 1D array. zbars (np.ndarray): The representative points, 2D array. n_iterations_left (int): The number of iterations left. Returns: np.ndarray: The intermediate points as a 2D array. """ zs = ((n_iterations_left - 1) / n_iterations_left) * preferred_point + ( 1 / n_iterations_left ) * zbars return np.atleast_2d(zs)
[docs] def calculate_bounds( self, pareto_front: np.ndarray, intermediate_points: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Calculate the new bounds of the reachable points on the Pareto optimal front from each of the intermediate points. Args: pareto_front (np.ndarray): The Pareto optimal front. intermediate_points (np.ndarray): The current intermediate points as a 2D array. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: The lower and upper bounds for each of the intermediate points. """ _pareto_front = np.atleast_2d(pareto_front) n_points = np.atleast_2d(intermediate_points).shape[0] new_lower_bounds = np.zeros((n_points, _pareto_front.shape[1])) new_upper_bounds = np.zeros((n_points, _pareto_front.shape[1])) for i, point in enumerate(np.atleast_2d(intermediate_points)): # TODO: vectorize this loop for r in range(_pareto_front.shape[1]): mask = np.zeros(_pareto_front.shape[1], dtype=bool) mask[r] = True subject_to = _pareto_front[:, ~mask].reshape( (_pareto_front.shape[0], _pareto_front.shape[1] - 1) ) con_mask = np.all(subject_to <= point[~mask], axis=1) min_val = np.min(_pareto_front[con_mask, mask]) max_val = np.max(_pareto_front[con_mask, mask]) new_lower_bounds[i, r] = min_val new_upper_bounds[i, r] = max_val return new_lower_bounds, new_upper_bounds
[docs] def calculate_distances( self, intermediate_points: np.ndarray, zbars: np.ndarray, nadir: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: distances = np.linalg.norm( np.atleast_2d(intermediate_points) - nadir, axis=1 ) / np.linalg.norm(np.atleast_2d(zbars) - nadir, axis=1) """Calculates the distance to the Pareto front for each intermediate point given utilizing representative points representing the intermediate points. Args: intermediate_points (np.ndarray): The intermediate points, 2D array. zbars (np.ndarray): The representative points corresponding to the intermediate points, 2D array. nadir (np.ndarray): The nadir point, 1D array. Returns: np.ndarray: The distances calculated for each intermediate point to the Pareto front. """ return distances * 100
[docs] def calculate_reachable_point_indices( self, pareto_front: np.ndarray, lower_bounds: np.ndarray, upper_bounds: np.ndarray, ) -> List[int]: """Calculate the indices of the reachable Pareto optimal solutions based on lower and upper bounds. Returns: List[int]: List of the indices of the reachable solutions. """ low_idx = np.all(pareto_front >= lower_bounds, axis=1) up_idx = np.all(pareto_front <= upper_bounds, axis=1) reachable_idx = np.argwhere(low_idx & up_idx).squeeze() return reachable_idx