Source code for desdeo_mcdm.interactive.ParetoNavigator

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from desdeo_problem.problem.Constraint import ScalarConstraint
from desdeo_problem.problem import MOProblem, DiscreteDataProblem
from desdeo_tools.scalarization.ASF import SimpleASF
from desdeo_tools.scalarization.Scalarizer import Scalarizer, DiscreteScalarizer
from desdeo_tools.solver.ScalarSolver import (
from desdeo_mcdm.interactive.ReferencePointMethod import validate_reference_point
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
from desdeo_mcdm.interactive.InteractiveMethod import InteractiveMethod
from desdeo_tools.interaction.request import BaseRequest
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from scipy.optimize import linprog

[docs]class ParetoNavigatorException(Exception): """Raised when an exception related to Pareto Navigator is encountered.""" pass
[docs]class ParetoNavigatorInitialRequest(BaseRequest): """ A request class to handle the Decision Maker's initial preferences for the first iteration round. Args: ideal (np.ndarray): Ideal vector nadir (np.ndarray): Nadir vector allowed_speeds (np.ndarray): Allowed movement speeds po_solutions: (np.ndarray): A set of pareto optimal solutions """ def __init__( self, ideal: np.ndarray, nadir: np.ndarray, allowed_speeds: np.ndarray, po_solutions: np.ndarray, ): self._ideal = ideal self._nadir = nadir self._allowed_speeds = allowed_speeds self._po_solutions = po_solutions min_speed = np.min(self._allowed_speeds) max_speed = np.max(self._allowed_speeds)
[docs] msg = "Please specify a starting point as 'preferred_solution'."
"\nOr specify a reference point as 'reference_point'." "\nPlease specify speed as 'speed' to be an integer value between" f"\n\t{min_speed} and {max_speed} " f"\nwhere {min_speed} is the slowest speed and {max_speed} the fastest." content = { "message": msg, "pareto_optimal_solutions": po_solutions, "allowed_speeds": allowed_speeds, "ideal": ideal, "nadir": nadir, } super().__init__("preferred_solution_preference", "required", content=content) @classmethod
[docs] def init_with_method(cls, method: InteractiveMethod): """ Initialize request with given instance of ParetoNavigator. Args: method (ParetoNavigator): Instance of ReferencePointMethod-class. Returns: ParetoNavigatorInitialRequest: Initial request. """ return cls( method._ideal, method._nadir, method._allowed_speeds, method._pareto_optimal_solutions, )
@BaseRequest.response.setter def response(self, response: Dict) -> None: """ Set the Decision Maker's response information for initial request. Args: response (Dict): The Decision Maker's response. Raises: ParetoNavigatorException: In case reference point or preferred solution is missing. """ if "reference_point" in response and "preferred_solution" in response: msg = "Please specify only one preference method" raise ParetoNavigatorException(msg) if "reference_point" in response: validate_reference_point( response["reference_point"], self._ideal, self._nadir ) elif "preferred_solution" in response: # Validate pass else: msg = "Please specify either a starting point as 'preferred_solution'." "or a reference point as 'reference_point." raise ParetoNavigatorException(msg) if "speed" not in response: msg = "Please specify a speed as 'speed'" raise ParetoNavigatorException(msg) speed = response["speed"] try: if int(speed) not in self._allowed_speeds: raise ParetoNavigatorException(f"Invalid speed: {speed}.") except Exception as e: raise ParetoNavigatorException( f"An exception rose when validating the given speed {speed}.\n" f"Previous exception: {type(e)}: {str(e)}." ) self._response = response
[docs]class ParetoNavigatorRequest(BaseRequest): """ A request class to handle navigation preferences after the first iteration round. Args: current_solution (np.ndarray): Current solution. ideal (np.ndarray): Ideal vector. nadir (np.ndarray): Nadir vector. allowed_speeds (np.ndarray): Allowed movement speeds valid_classifications (np.ndarray): Valid classifications """ def __init__( self, current_solution: np.ndarray, ideal: np.ndarray, nadir: np.ndarray, allowed_speeds: np.ndarray, valid_classifications: np.ndarray, ): self._current_solution = current_solution self._ideal = ideal self._nadir = nadir self._allowed_speeds = allowed_speeds self._valid_classifications = valid_classifications min_speed = np.min(self._allowed_speeds) max_speed = np.max(self._allowed_speeds) msg = ( "If you wish to see an actual pareto optimal solution based on this approximation " "\n\tplease state 'show_solution' as 'True'. " "\nIf you wish to change direction. Please specify either a " "\n\tnew reference point as 'reference_point' or " "\n\ta classification for each objective as 'classifications'. " "\n\t'classifications' should be a list of strings. " "If you wish to step back specify 'step_back' as 'True' " "If you wish to change the speed, please specify a speed " f"as 'speed'. Speed should be an integer value between {min_speed} and {max_speed}, " f"where {min_speed} is the slowest speed and {max_speed} the fastest." ) content = { "message": msg, "current_solution": current_solution, "valid_classifications": valid_classifications, } super().__init__("reference_point_preference", "required", content=content) @classmethod
[docs] def init_with_method(cls, method: InteractiveMethod): """ Initialize request with given instance of ParetoNavigator. Args: method (ParetoNavigator): Instance of ParetoNavigator-class. Returns: ParetoNavigatorRequest: Initial request. """ return cls( method._current_solution, method._ideal, method._nadir, method._allowed_speeds, method._valid_classifications, )
@BaseRequest.response.setter def response(self, response: Dict) -> None: """ Set the Decision Maker's response information for request. Args: response (Dict): The Decision Maker's response. Raises: ParetoNavigatorException: In case response is invalid. """ if "show_solution" in response and response["show_solution"]: self._response = response return # No need to validate others if "speed" in response: speed = response["speed"] try: if int(speed) not in self._allowed_speeds: raise ParetoNavigatorException(f"Invalid speed: {speed}.") except Exception as e: raise ParetoNavigatorException( f"An exception rose when validating the given speed {speed}.\n" f"Previous exception: {type(e)}: {str(e)}." ) if "reference_point" in response and "classifications" in response: msg = ( "Please specify only one kind of preference info if changing direction" ) raise ParetoNavigatorException(msg) elif "reference_point" in response: validate_reference_point( response["reference_point"], self._ideal, self._nadir ) elif "classifications" in response: classifications = np.unique(response["classifications"]) if not np.all(np.isin(classifications, self._valid_classifications)): msg = "Invalid classifications" raise ParetoNavigatorException(msg) self._response = response
[docs]class ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest(BaseRequest): """ A request class to handle requests to see pareto optimal solution. Args: approx_solution (np.ndarray): The approximated solution received by navigation pareto_optimal_solution (np.ndarray): A pareto optimal solution (decision variables). objective_values (np.ndarray): Objective vector. """ def __init__( self, approx_solution: np.ndarray, pareto_optimal_solution: np.ndarray, objective_values: np.ndarray, ): msg = ( "If you are satisfied with this pareto optimal solution " "please state 'satisfied' as 'True'. This will end the navigation. " "Otherwise state 'satisfied' as 'False' and the navigation will " "be continued with this pareto optimal solution added to the approximation." ) content = { "message": msg, "approximate_solution": approx_solution, "pareto_optimal_solution": pareto_optimal_solution, "objective_values": objective_values, } super().__init__("preferred_solution_preference", "required", content=content) @BaseRequest.response.setter def response(self, response: Dict) -> None: """ Set the Decision Maker's response information for request. Args: response (Dict): The Decision Maker's response. """ self._response = response
[docs]class ParetoNavigatorStopRequest(BaseRequest): """ A request class to handle termination. Args: approx_solution (np.ndarray): The approximated solution received by navigation. final_solution (np.ndarray): Solution (decision variables). objective_values (np.ndarray): Objective values. """ def __init__( self, approx_solution: np.ndarray, final_solution: np.ndarray, objective_values: np.ndarray, ): msg = "Final solution found." content = { "message": msg, "approximate_solution": approx_solution, "final_solution": final_solution, "objective_values": objective_values, } super().__init__("print", "no_interaction", content=content)
[docs]class ParetoNavigator(InteractiveMethod): """ Paretonavigator as described in 'Pareto navigator for interactive nonlinear multiobjective optimization' (2008) [Petri Eskelinen · Kaisa Miettinen · Kathrin Klamroth · Jussi Hakanen]. Args: problem (MOProblem): The problem to be solved. pareto_optimal_solutions (np.ndarray): Some pareto optimal solutions to construct the polyhedral set. scalar_method: (Optional[ScalarMethod], optional): The scalar method used to solve asf Note: pareto_optimal_solutions must be provided for problems of type MOProblem. For DiscreteDataProblems if no pareto optimal solutions are provided the method will use the objective values from the problem. """ def __init__( self, problem: Union[MOProblem, DiscreteDataProblem], pareto_optimal_solutions: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, # Initial pareto optimal solutions scalar_method: Optional[ScalarMethod] = None, ): if isinstance(problem, MOProblem) and pareto_optimal_solutions is None: msg = "Supply initial pareto optimal solutions if using MOProblem class" raise ParetoNavigatorException(msg) if isinstance(problem, DiscreteDataProblem): pareto_optimal_solutions = problem.objectives self._scalar_method = scalar_method if np.any(np.isinf(problem.nadir)) or np.any(np.isinf(problem.ideal)): nadir, ideal = self.calculate_extremes(pareto_optimal_solutions) else: nadir = problem.nadir ideal = problem.ideal self._problem = problem self._ideal = ideal self._nadir = nadir A, self.b = self.polyhedral_set_eq( pareto_optimal_solutions ) self._weights = self.calculate_weights(self._ideal, self._nadir) self.lppp_A = self.construct_lppp_A( self._weights, A ) # Used in (3). Only changes if new solutions added self._pareto_optimal_solutions = pareto_optimal_solutions self._allowed_speeds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Improve, degrade, maintain, self._valid_classifications = ["<", ">", "="] self._current_speed = None self._reference_point = None self._current_solution = None self._direction = None
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the solving process Returns: ParetoNavigatorInitialRequest: Initial request """ return ParetoNavigatorInitialRequest.init_with_method(self)
[docs] def iterate( self, request: Union[ ParetoNavigatorInitialRequest, ParetoNavigatorRequest, ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest, ParetoNavigatorStopRequest, ], ) -> Union[ ParetoNavigatorRequest, ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest, ParetoNavigatorStopRequest, ]: """ Perform the next logical iteration step based on the given request type. Args: request (Union[ParetoNavigatorInitialRequest, ParetoNavigatorRequest, ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest, ParetoNavigatorStopRequest]): A ParetoNavigatorRequest Returns: Union[ParetoNavigatorRequest, ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest, ParetoNavigatorStopRequest]: A new request with content depending on the Decision Maker's preferences. """ if type(request).__name__ == ParetoNavigatorInitialRequest.__name__: return self.handle_initial_request(request) elif type(request).__name__ is ParetoNavigatorRequest.__name__: return self.handle_request(request) elif type(request).__name__ is ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest.__name__: return self.handle_solution_request(request) else: # if stop request, do nothing return request
[docs] def handle_initial_request( self, request: ParetoNavigatorInitialRequest ) -> ParetoNavigatorRequest: """ Handles the initial request. Args: request (ParetoNavigatorInitialRequest): Initial request Returns: ParetoNavigatorRequest: A navigation request """ if "reference_point" in request.response: self._reference_point = request.response["reference_point"] starting_point = self.solve_asf(self._problem, self._reference_point, self._scalar_method) else: # Preferred po solution starting_point = self._pareto_optimal_solutions[ request.response["preferred_solution"] ] self._current_solution = starting_point self._current_speed = self.calculate_speed(request.response["speed"]) return ParetoNavigatorRequest.init_with_method(self)
[docs] def handle_request( self, request: ParetoNavigatorRequest ) -> Union[ ParetoNavigatorRequest, ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest, ParetoNavigatorStopRequest, ]: """ Handles a navigation request. Args: request (ParetoNavigatorRequest): A request Returns: Union[ParetoNavigatorRequest, ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest, ParetoNavigatorStopRequest]: Next request corresponding the DM's preferences """ resp: dict = request.response if resp is None: resp = {} if "show_solution" in resp and resp["show_solution"]: self._po_solution = self.solve_asf( self._problem, self._current_solution, ) if isinstance(self._problem, MOProblem): self._po_objectives = self._problem.evaluate( self._po_solution ).objectives.squeeze() else: self._po_objectives = self._problem.objectives[self._po_solution] self._po_solution = self._problem.decision_variables[self._po_solution] return ( ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest( self._current_solution, self._po_solution, self._po_objectives ) ) if "speed" in resp: self._current_speed = self.calculate_speed(resp["speed"]) if "step_back" in resp and resp["step_back"]: # Check! self._current_speed *= -1 else: # Make sure speed is positive self._current_speed = np.abs(self._current_speed) if "reference_point" in resp: self._reference_point = resp["reference_point"] elif "classifications" in resp: ref_point = self.classification_to_ref_point( resp["classifications"], self._ideal, self._nadir, self._current_solution, ) self._reference_point = ref_point self._direction = self.calculate_direction( self._current_solution, self._reference_point ) # Get the new solution by solving the linear parametric problem self._current_solution = self.solve_linear_parametric_problem( self._current_solution, self._ideal, self._nadir, self._direction, self._current_speed, self.lppp_A, self.b, ) return ParetoNavigatorRequest.init_with_method(self)
[docs] def handle_solution_request( self, request: ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest ) -> Union[ParetoNavigatorRequest, ParetoNavigatorStopRequest]: """ Handle a solution request Args: request (ParetoNavigatorSolutionRequest): A solution request Returns: Union[ParetoNavigatorRequest, ParetoNavigatorStopRequest]: A navigation request or a stop request depending on whether the DM wishes to continue or stop """ resp = request.response if resp is not None: # Is not satisfied with the solution if "satisfied" in resp and resp["satisfied"]: final_solution = self._po_solution stop_request = ParetoNavigatorStopRequest( self._current_solution, final_solution, self._po_objectives ) return stop_request # No response or not satisfied # Add solution to approximation self._pareto_optimal_solutions = np.vstack( (self._pareto_optimal_solutions, self._po_objectives) ) A, self.b = self.polyhedral_set_eq(self._pareto_optimal_solutions) # Update ideal and nadir nadir, ideal = self.calculate_extremes(self._pareto_optimal_solutions) self._nadir = np.max(np.vstack((nadir, self._nadir)), axis = 0) # get the worst values of each row self._ideal = np.min(np.vstack((ideal, self._ideal)), axis = 0) # get the best values of each row # Update weights self._weights = self.calculate_weights(self._ideal, self._nadir) # update lppp A self.lppp_A = self.construct_lppp_A(self._weights, A) return ParetoNavigatorRequest.init_with_method(self)
[docs] def calculate_extremes(self, points: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Calculate the minimum and maximum points of a given array. Args: points (np.ndarray): A two dimensional array Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: The min and max values of each column """ nadir = np.max(points, axis = 0) ideal = np.min(points, axis = 0) return (nadir, ideal)
[docs] def calculate_speed(self, given_speed: int) -> float: """ Calculate a speed value from given integer value. Args: given_speed (int): a speed value where 1 is slowest and 5 fastest Returns: float: A speed value calculated from given integer value. Is between 0 and 1 Note: The denominator 10 is not mentioned in the article, but it is included because the navigation speed seems to be too fast without it. """ return (given_speed / np.max(self._allowed_speeds)) / 10
[docs] def calculate_weights(self, ideal: np.ndarray, nadir: np.ndarray): """ Calculate the scaling coefficients w from ideal and nadir. Args: ideal (np.ndarray): Ideal vector nadir (np.ndarray): Nadir vector Returns: np.ndarray: The scaling coefficients """ return 1 / (nadir - ideal)
[docs] def polyhedral_set_eq( self, po_solutions: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Construct a polyhedral set as convex hull from the set of pareto optimal solutions Args: po_solutions (np.ndarray): Some pareto optimal solutions Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Matrix A and vector b from the convex hull inequality representation Az <= b """ convex_hull = ConvexHull(po_solutions) # facet: Az + b = 0 so inside: Az <= -b A = convex_hull.equations[:, 0:-1] b = -convex_hull.equations[:, -1] return A, b
[docs] def construct_lppp_A(self, weights, A): """ The matrix A used in the linear parametric programming problem Args: weights (np.ndarray): Scaling coefficients A (np.ndarray): Matrix A from the convex hull representation Ax < b Returns: np.ndarray: The matrix A' in the linear parametric programming problem A'x<b' """ k = len(weights) diag = np.zeros((k, k)) np.fill_diagonal(diag, 1) weights_inv = np.reshape(np.vectorize(lambda w: -1 / w)(weights), (k, 1)) upper_A = np.hstack((weights_inv, diag)) fill_zeros = np.zeros((len(A), 1)) filled_A = np.hstack((fill_zeros, A)) lppp_A = np.concatenate((upper_A, filled_A)) return lppp_A
[docs] def calculate_direction(self, current_solution: np.ndarray, ref_point: np.ndarray): """ Calculate a new direction from current solution and a given reference point Args: current_solution (np.ndarray): The current solution ref_point (np.ndarray): A reference point Returns: np.ndarray: A new direction """ return ref_point - current_solution
[docs] def classification_to_ref_point( self, classifications, ideal, nadir, current_solution ): """ Transform classifications to a reference point Args: classifications (np.ndarray): Classification for each objective ideal (np.ndarray): Ideal point nadir (np.ndarray): Nadir point current_solution (np.ndarray): Current solution Returns: np.ndarray: A reference point which is constructed from the classifications """ def mapper(c: str, i: int): if c == "<": return ideal[i] elif c == ">": return nadir[i] elif c == "=": return current_solution[i] ref_point = [mapper(c, i) for i, c in (list(enumerate(classifications)))] return np.array(ref_point)
[docs] def solve_linear_parametric_problem( self, current_sol: np.ndarray, ideal: np.ndarray, nadir: np.ndarray, direction: np.ndarray, a: float, A: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Solves the linear parametric programming problem as defined in (3) Args: current_sol (np.ndarray): Current solution ideal (np.ndarray): Ideal vector nadir (np.ndarray): Nadir vector direction (np.ndarray): Navigation direction a (float): Alpha in problem (3) A (np.ndarray): Matrix A from Az <= b b (np.ndarray): Vector b from Az <= b Returns: np.ndarray: Optimal vector from the linear parametric programming problem. This is the new solution to be used in the navigation. """ k = len(current_sol) c = np.array([1] + k * [0]) moved_ref_point = current_sol + (a * direction) moved_ref_point = np.reshape(moved_ref_point, ((k, 1))) b_new = np.append(moved_ref_point, b) obj_bounds = np.stack((ideal, nadir)) bounds = [(None, None)] + [(x, y) for x, y in obj_bounds.T] sol = linprog(c=c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b_new, bounds=bounds) if sol["success"]: return sol["x"][1:] # zeta in index 0. else: raise ParetoNavigatorException("Couldn't calculate a new solution")
[docs] def solve_asf( self, problem: Union[MOProblem, DiscreteDataProblem], ref_point: np.ndarray, method: Optional[ScalarMethod] = None, ): """ Solve the achievement scalarizing function Args: problem (MOProblem): The problem ref_point: A reference point method (Optional[ScalarMethod], optional): A method provided to the scalar minimizer Returns: np.ndarray: The decision vector which solves the achievement scalarizing function """ asf = SimpleASF(np.ones(ref_point.shape)) if isinstance(problem, MOProblem): scalarizer = Scalarizer( lambda x: problem.evaluate(x).objectives, asf, scalarizer_args={"reference_point": np.atleast_2d(ref_point)}, ) if problem.n_of_constraints > 0: _con_eval = lambda x: problem.evaluate(x).constraints.squeeze() else: _con_eval = None solver = ScalarMinimizer( scalarizer, problem.get_variable_bounds(), constraint_evaluator=_con_eval, method= method, ) res = solver.minimize(problem.get_variable_upper_bounds() / 2) if res["success"]: return res["x"] else: raise ParetoNavigatorException( "Could solve achievement scalarizing function" ) else: # Discrete case # Find closest objective to ref point scalarizer = DiscreteScalarizer(asf, {"reference_point": ref_point}) solver = DiscreteMinimizer(scalarizer) res = solver.minimize(problem.objectives) return res['x']
# Testing if __name__ == "__main__": from desdeo_problem.problem.Objective import _ScalarObjective from desdeo_problem import variable_builder # Example from article # Objectives
[docs] def f1(xs): xs = np.atleast_2d(xs) return -xs[:, 0] - xs[:, 1] + 5
def f2(xs): xs = np.atleast_2d(xs) return (1 / 5) * ( np.square(xs[:, 0]) - 10 * xs[:, 0] + np.square(xs[:, 1]) - 4 * xs[:, 1] + 11 ) def f3(xs): xs = np.atleast_2d(xs) return (5 - xs[:, 0]) * (xs[:, 1] - 11) obj1 = _ScalarObjective("obj1", f1) obj2 = _ScalarObjective("obj2", f2) obj3 = _ScalarObjective("obj3", f3) objectives = [obj1, obj2, obj3] objectives_n = len(objectives) # variables var_names = ["x1", "x2"] variables_n = len(var_names) initial_values = np.array([2, 3]) lower_bounds = [0, 0] upper_bounds = [4, 6] bounds = np.stack((lower_bounds, upper_bounds)) variables = variable_builder(var_names, initial_values, lower_bounds, upper_bounds) # Constraints def c1(xs, ys): xs = np.atleast_2d(xs) return np.negative((3 * xs[:, 0] + xs[:, 1] - 12)) def c2(xs, ys): xs = np.atleast_2d(xs) return np.negative((2 * xs[:, 0] + xs[:, 1] - 9)) def c3(xs, ys): xs = np.atleast_2d(xs) return np.negative((xs[:, 0] + 2 * xs[:, 1] - 12)) con1 = ScalarConstraint("c1", variables_n, objectives_n, c1) con2 = ScalarConstraint("c2", variables_n, objectives_n, c2) con3 = ScalarConstraint("c3", variables_n, objectives_n, c3) constraints = [con1, con2, con3] po_sols = np.array( [ [-2, 0, -18], [-1, 4.6, -25], [0, -3.1, -14.25], [1.38, 0.62, -35.33], [1.73, 1.72, -38.64], [2.48, 1.45, -42.41], [5.00, 2.20, -55.00], ] ) # problem problem = MOProblem( objectives=objectives, variables=variables, constraints=constraints ) eps = 0.15 # A close enough value compared to the article it = 150 # how many iterations of each preference info should we navigate # discrete problem decision_variables = np.array([ [0.4, 5.5], [0.52, 4.9], [0.48, 5], [0.2, 0.6], [0.1, 0.1] ]) objectives_values = problem.evaluate(decision_variables)[0] print(objectives_values) data = {'x1': decision_variables[:,0], 'x2' : decision_variables[:,1], "f1" : objectives_values[:,0], "f2": objectives_values[:,1], "f3": objectives_values[:,2], } print(data) discrete_problem = DiscreteDataProblem( pd.DataFrame(data), var_names, objective_names = ["f1","f2","f3"], ideal = np.array([-2, -3.1, -55]), nadir = np.array([5, 4.6, -14.25]) ) method = ParetoNavigator(discrete_problem) print(method._ideal, method._nadir) request = method.start() print(request.content["message"]) request.response = { "preferred_solution": 3, "speed": 1, } request = method.iterate(request) print(request.content["message"]) print(request.content["current_solution"]) request.response = { # 'reference_point': np.array([ideal[0], ideal[1], nadir[2]]), "classifications": ["<", "<", ">"], } for i in range(it): request = method.iterate(request) cur_sol = request.content["current_solution"] print(cur_sol) if np.all(np.abs(cur_sol - np.array([0.35, -0.51, -26.26])) < eps): print("Achieved close enough value compared to article") break request.response = { "classifications": ["<", ">", "="], #'reference_point': np.array([ideal[0], nadir[1], cur_sol[2]]), } for i in range(it): request= method.iterate(request) cur_sol = request.content["current_solution"] print(cur_sol) if np.all(np.abs(cur_sol - np.array([-0.64, 1.82, -25.95])) < eps): print("Achieved close enough value compared to article") break request.response = { "classifications": [">", "<", "<"], } for i in range(it): request = method.iterate(request) cur_sol = request.content["current_solution"] print(cur_sol) if np.all(np.abs(cur_sol - np.array([-0.32, -2.33, -27.85])) < eps): print("Achieved close enough value compared to article") break request.response = { "show_solution": True, } request = method.iterate(request) print(request.content["message"]) print(request.content["objective_values"]) request = method.iterate(request) # Not satisfied print(request.content["message"]) request.response = { "classifications": ["<", ">", ">"], "speed": 1, } for i in range(4): request = method.iterate(request) cur_sol = request.content["current_solution"] print(cur_sol) request.response = { "classifications": [">", ">", "<"], "speed": 5, } for i in range(25): request = method.iterate(request) cur_sol = request.content["current_solution"] print(cur_sol) request.response = { "show_solution": True, } request = method.iterate(request) request.response = {"satisfied": True} request = method.iterate(request) print(data) print(request.content["message"]) print(request.content["final_solution"]) obj_values = request.content["objective_values"] print(obj_values) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') # Scatter pareto optimal solutions xs, ys, zs = np.hsplit(method._pareto_optimal_solutions, 3) ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs) # Scatter Pareto Optimal solution received by navigation x, y, z = np.hsplit(obj_values, 3) ax.scatter(x, y, z, marker="x", s=150) convex_hull = ConvexHull(method._pareto_optimal_solutions) #Plotting the convex hull for s in convex_hull.simplices: s = np.append(s, s[0]) # Here we cycle back to the first coordinate ax.plot( method._pareto_optimal_solutions[s, 0], method._pareto_optimal_solutions[s, 1], method._pareto_optimal_solutions[s, 2], "r-" )